Microgaming Idea Factory Initiative Wins Spark Awards 2017
Posted in Industry June 7, 2017

Idea Factory Initiative Wins Spark Awards 2017, Highlights Innovation in Game Development

When it comes to online gaming, Microgaming is highly respected. As one of the pioneers of online casinos in the 1990s, Microgaming has become a leading supplier of casino products and services. They have developed over 800 casino games and introduced business solutions like Quickfire. Microgaming has received numerous awards and recognition for their contribution to the industry.

In 2017, Microgaming’s Idea Factory Initiative won the Spark Awards, highlighting the company’s commitment to innovation.

Changing the Way a Company Works, One Idea at a Time

The Spark Awards are given to companies and organizations recognized for their innovative work culture. Microgaming is now part of the list of esteemed organizations such as Places for People and GCHQ.

A team from Microgaming led by Lydia Barbara spearheaded the Idea Factory Initiative. The goal was to collect and process ideas submitted by the company’s employees. Five ideas were selected in 2016:

  • The Market – An in-house classified ads system
  • MGS House Lotto – A charity initiative using lotto games and scratch cards
  • New Compliance Portal – A feature to help new operators start business with Microgaming
  • Ideas Workshop – A platform for generating and processing ideas
  • Emoticoins Online Slot – A video slot game to expand Microgaming’s portfolio

How the Idea Factory Works

Microgaming’s Idea Factory addresses organizational efficiency by embracing employee-generated ideas. The process involves four main parts:

When launching the Microgaming Idea Factory, at first there was nervousness that we wouldn’t get enough ideas through to make it work. But the problem wasn’t in the quality or quantity of ideas – it was that we did not have a process in place to refine and approve them. It has been such an amazing experience, largely due to the enthusiasm of every person who has taken part. I expect to see great returns from the fantastic ideas coming through.


Part One: Employees can submit ideas through Microgaming’s website or an approved template. Submissions are anonymous and validated by the Selection Committee.

Part Two: Authors of selected ideas make a pitch or explanation to the committee. Participants are given two weeks to prepare and present their proposals.

Part Three: Ideas that pass the pitch are explored and assigned a budget for testing and potential modifications.

Part Four: The final pitch is made to the Decision Panel, senior members of Microgaming who decide which ideas to adopt and support.

The Idea Factory process is rigorous, with only a small percentage of submissions being selected for implementation. However, all ideas have the opportunity to be showcased under the Microgaming brand.

If you’re interested in Microgaming’s top games, you can try them here.

Idea Factory, Microgaming, Online Casino, Spark Awards


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