Mastering Online Baccarat: 6 Tips for a Newbie
Posted in Game Reviews, Guides March 8, 2018

Mastering Online Baccarat: 6 Tips for a Newbie

Online baccarat is a simple and enjoyable game that is perfect for beginners in the world of gambling. Whether you are new to the game or not, you can easily understand and win at baccarat. The game offers some surefire tricks that can help you become an expert in no time. These online casino baccarat tips for newbies may seem simple, but the game itself is straightforward. There are only three bets to choose from, and one important rule is to never bet on ‘Tie’ in baccarat.

Betting on ‘Tie’ is not recommended because the house edge for this bet is about 14%, making it highly unlikely to win. The payouts for winning ‘Tie’ bets may seem tempting at 9/1, but the chances of winning are so rare that it is not worth the risk. Since online baccarat is a low-stakes game, it’s best to avoid ‘Tie’ bets.

One of the best places to play baccarat online is at 888 Casino.

6 Online Baccarat Tips for Newbies That Professionals Swear By

1. When in Doubt, Bet on ‘Banker’

Betting on ‘Tie’ is discouraged in baccarat, but betting on ‘Banker’ is highly recommended. The house has a commission on ‘Banker’ bets because it is statistically the best choice for winning. ‘Banker’ bets have a slight advantage and win a little over 50% of the time. This is why many people default to betting on ‘Banker’ and it is a good strategy for beginners who want to relax and have a better chance of winning.

2. Get Onto the Streak

Streaks are common in baccarat, and a popular betting strategy is to pick either ‘Banker’ or ‘Player’ and stick with it until it loses. If ‘Banker’ is winning, bet on it until it loses. The same goes for ‘Player’ bets. ‘Tie’ bets do not have streaks, so it’s important to focus on ‘Banker’ or ‘Player’ bets to increase your chances of winning.

3. Wait Out the ‘Banker’ Streak After One Loss

Getting onto a ‘Banker’ streak is a successful online baccarat strategy. But what should you do if your ‘Banker’ bet loses?

You wait.

Wait for the next round and start betting on whichever bet wins, except for ‘Tie’ wins which do not count. If ‘Player’ loses, switch back to betting on ‘Banker’. This strategy is not foolproof, but it is effective and low-risk, making it a recommended tip for newbies.

4. Forget Betting Systems With Rising Bets

Avoid using betting systems like the ‘Martingale’ system that require raising and lowering bets in a specific order. Stick with minimal or slightly above minimum bets instead. Changing bet sizes is the main reason for significant losses in baccarat. So, it’s best to keep your bets consistent and not rely on complex betting systems.

5. Set an Unbreakable Betting Limit for Yourself

To avoid getting carried away, it’s important to set a betting limit for your baccarat session and stick to it. Determine the maximum amount you are willing to bet and when you reach that limit, walk away from the game. Take a break for a few hours before gambling again. It’s crucial to stay within your set limit, regardless of whether you are winning or losing. Leaving the game with a positive balance is even better.

6. Don’t Play Too Long

Online baccarat is best played in short sessions. Set two limits for yourself – one for the maximum total bet and one for the time spent playing. Due to the fast-paced nature of the game, sessions should be only 5-10 minutes long. Take regular breaks, for example, a 20-minute break every 20 games, to keep a clear mind and avoid making hasty decisions.

Follow these tips and you will soon be playing and winning at online baccarat like a pro!

By the way, if you want to explore more about this fascinating topic, check out our Live Casino section. Live games, including Live Baccarat, are among the fastest-growing games in the online casino industry. Have fun!

Baccarat, Baccarat Strategies, Casino Guides, Live Baccarat


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